Public Inquiry - residential development in AONB - Horsted Keynes, 2021 

Client:           Mid Sussex District Council

Developer:    Fairfax Acquisitions Ltd

Acted as expert landscape witness on behalf of the LPA following refusal of outline permission for development of 32 dwellings in the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, just beyond the settlement boundary of the village of Horsted Keynes.

Key issues included landscape and visual impact, effect on the character of the AONB, housing need, heritage impact and whether the proposals constituted "major development" for the purposes of NPPF footnote 55.

The Inquiry was held (in virtual format) in March 2021. The Inspector agreed with the Council that the proposed development would have major adverse effects on the character of the landscape, major adverse visual effects and that it would fail to conserve and enhance the landscape and scenic beauty of the AONB. The appeal was dismissed.